Friday, September 3, 2010

Hall Pass

It seems as if summer had just started, yet here it is September and I find myself in Tennessee slated to teach 5 ESL classes at 3 different schools (every day). Since this is my first year teaching, I have to put together supplies for my classrooms.  My budget for supplies is pretty small and I've discovered that some things are cheaper to make than buy from the teacher supply store... if I'm willing to sacrifice a little on quality. :)  I don't mind at all, though, because I've been itching to make something.  I also needed to find new photography material as the hummingbirds in the backyard have decided not to cooperate for any more pictures.

My first project for my new classrooms? Hall passes for the girl's bathroom, boy's bathroom, and the office!  I originally planned for them to look like envelopes addressed from my classroom to the intended destination.  My first reason for this design was that I thought it would give reinforcement for how to address letters.  Second, I wanted the passes to say where the student was coming from in case another teacher stopped them in the hall.  Some of my students do not speak any English (even though they may understand a little) or they may be hard to understand.  At any rate, I didn't want there to be any confusion -- either in the mind of the student or another educator -- about where the student was going and where he/she should return.  I'm pretty excited with how the passes turned out! :)

Project: Elementary Hall Passes

3 small tubes of paint -- $0.97 each
3 small wooden plaques -- $0.97 each
4 foam brushes -- $1.00 package
String -- free
Markers -- free
Ruler --free
Scissors -- free
Drill -- free
(by "free" I mean "laying around the house")

Step One: Paint both sides of the boards.

Step Two: Drill a hole through one end and tie a loop with the string.

 Step Three: Decorate with markers.

And they're finished!  Not only did they cost just a little over $2 a piece, I still have over half the paint left and I can re-use the paint brushes for another project!


  1. Cute!! Sounds like you'll be busy with all those classes! When does school start for you?

  2. Those are so cute, Katie! Sounds like you have a busy year ahead...hope it goes well for you! ~ Kristi
